Pedriac dentistry

Paediatric dentistry is very complex. In addition to the treatment of the deciduous and permanent teeth it relies on counseling parents on how to help befriend the dentist to the child.

It is necessary to start brushing your children's teeth as soon as they appear, even if they are still just babies. A child’s manual dexterity is not fully developed until he or she is seven or eight, so it is important to help children brush their teeth, most importantly at night when they are tired. It is important to note that the most common and worst caries are those incurred by drinking milk or other sweet drinks from a bottle. Saliva flow (the mouth's natural defence mechanism against sugar) is reduced during sleep, reducing the ability to neutralise the acid formed when sugar in the milk is broken down. Of course, many children fall asleep immediately after consuming their last meal or after a drinking a bottle, making brushing the teeth difficult afterwards. As far as toothcare goes, however, and even though it seems counter-intuitive, their teeth should be brushed before the meal to help create a habit of brushing arond meals.

When choosing a toothbrush for a child, go for one with a small head and soft bristles. CURAkid toothbrushes are one good choice. Also, choose a toothpaste designed for children, as their teeth are often more sensitive than adults.

Ideally, children should start visiting a dentist routinely from around the age of three. It is advisable that children visit a dentist before anything actually hurts. The first visit should involve a game potentially as well as rewards for good behavior. It is important to calm children by telling them a story and gently introduce them to the dentist and the dental surgeon as necessary so they feel comfortable in new surroundings.

After the eruption of permanent molars (adult teeth in the rear of the mouth), preventative fillings can be made superficially to prevent cavities from occurring. This procedure is known as odontomy and it is painless.